Got a question you've just been itchin' to have answered by an invertebrate? I'm here to help. Ask a question about anything and I'll post it as quick as I can. Click below to e-mail your question...and how about you include your name and where you're from too. Mmk?

- When was Geek Rock started? -- Laurel from Scotia, NY
Well, really it was all my idea. I love comics. So I figured since I have all these extra appendages and all, why don't I put them to good use? I put a computer mouse in one tentacle, and a pencil in the other. Bam! Comic. Simple, right?
Ok, for real. I had a chance to sit down with some hot java and some Heath just the other day and ask him this question. Turns out Geek Rock is his second attempt at a comic. That's like, more than one. Webcomics were introduced to him by a friend he met in a terrible calculus class at Ithaca College. Yes kids, this is none other than the famed Junius Welch. Anyways, "Random University" was a comic Heath and "J" came up with. It just didn't work. Heath lives a whole campus away from anything at IC, so the plan just didn't come together. And I only like it when a plan comes together. In fact, I love it when a plan comes together.
So I guess you could say Geek Rock is a "solo project" for Heath. The characters and ideas come from combinations of his friends and experiences he's had with his own band, Monkey Gone Mad.
Mh, I love it when a plan comes together.
- Dear GSM, why do you terrorize the neighborhood children? -- Anonymous
Uh, someone needs to learn the difference between "terrorize" and "play favorite games with."
- Dear Giant Squid Man,
There's this girl I like, but of course she has a
boyfriend. However, she and I have known each other
for a long time; we have even gotten into a routine of
seeing each other weekly. Flirting is exchanged
almost regularly. Recently she has not only given
more signs of a desire to further our friendship, but
has admitted to "chinks" in her current boyfriends'
armour. But I am concerned. You see, I have these
stupid morals... I know I would feel awful if I was
the reason that she and her boyfriend broke up, and
that's probably not the best way to start a
relationship. Plus, if the boyfriend now can have
"chinks" couldn't I as well? I guess I am unsure
about taking the friendship to the next level for fear
that I will risk losing everything. ANY ADVICE?? --
Rusty, Nagshead, NC
First of all, as a young man with a world of oppurtunities yet to come and fish yet to sample...you shouldn't be interested in girls yet. I know that I won't until I am old and ready to die. This whole dating thing might be confusing until you realize your death is soon approaching and it is time to make more squid, er, humans.
But if you must pursue, this is what I would suggest:
Now the only obvious "chinks" in the other male's armour could possibly be would be an inability to change different colors. If you yourself can exhibit better color displays then there is no moral question here, you are obviously the better squid, er, human. Now, as a human I understand this step may be tricky. I suggest walking to school without clothing for a fine red color, and if you're interested in a shade of green...just eat some bad clams. That'll do it.
Watch for him to show up in a referee uniform. This is bad. Do you have a referee uniform available? You'll have to respond with a referee uniform or you'll lose her.
So, at this point...if you lose, go eat something. And if you win: Power up your hydraulics, have your romance, and then die!! Good job loverboy!!
Hope that helped.